Butterfly Art Project (BAP) is an organisation with much understanding and experience in how to heal trauma wounds in society.
BAP trains, mentors and supports adults working with children in marginalised communities bringing psycho-social support through art.
These beneficiaries are BAP's Community Art Facilitators (CAFs). They establish art groups, in which their learned psycho-social skills are utilised and the child's uniqueness is encouraged. BAP has 176 CAFs active in more than 60 communities, which have become a most valuable resource for the region and its future challenges. In 2020 we reached out to at least 4000 children through our CAFs in the Western Cape.
BAP´s theory of change for its children projects: Educators provide safe learning spaces and opportunities for children to explore, experience and develop creativity, to acknowledge and find appropriate ways of dealing with emotional hurt and pain and to heal. In the long term this will enable them to look at and approach life challenges and problems better. Healthier, more stable children grow into emotionally stronger adults resulting in them having stable families that contribute to healthy community lives. The BAP implementation centre is based in our double storey building in Vrygrond were we serve a min of 150 children and youth weekly with healing art classes. Our training studio and team office is located in the garden courtyard of the Casa Labia Cultural Centre in Muizenberg.