Born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1946. My grandmother met Rudolf Steiner in Berlin and became an Anthroposophist as did my mother. After finishing Waldorf School, I did my academic training in history and literature in Freiburg and Heidelberg and medicine in Tübingen (Doctorate) and Marburg. Qualification as Pediatrician in the Anthroposophic Hospital Herdecke and the Bochum University Hospital. Clinical practice and work as Waldorf School health practitioner.
1988 to 2016 Head of the Medical Section Goetheanum/Switzerland. Trainer for Anthroposophy and Anthroposophic Medicine worldwide. Co-founder of the Alliance for Childhood and the European Alliance of Initiatives for applied Anthroposophy. Publications: Guide to Childs Health, Medicine at the Theshold, Education – Health for Life a.o.
The Intention of the AAAT Training is on the one hand to facilitate the healthy developement of individual human faculties and social competence in private and professional life. The other is to stimulate the interprofessional communication and learning and the support of social communitiy building and human leadership faculties.