Since 1989 Sekem is running a school and since 1997 a vocational training center for holistic education. I work there as a teachers trainer for workshop teachers and agricultural trainers.
My overall goal is to further spread bio-dynamic farming methods. By doing so I aim to build a deeper understanding of nature and its diversity, soil, water, air, plants, animals and human beings. This is the base for responsibility and sustainable development.
This workshop will cover all farm issues: how to build and sustain a farm, the nutrient cycle, compost making, soil microbiology and fertilization, plant cultivation and animal husbandry as well as the bio-dynamic preparations.
This workshop looks at bio-dynamic agriculture in short and it adds its relationship to humans: farmer and workers - market - cultivation plan and client - added value chain - composting of municipal waste - recycling waste water - bio-dynamic agriculture and climate change