The Wider Movement – Encounters & Expressions



Therapeutic Eurythmy

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I was born in Zimbabwe in 1952. In 1954 my mother met Dr. Zeylmans van Emmichoven and began to study Waldorf Pedagogue - 1955 in Johannesburg - and Anthroposophy. At 19 years of age, while studying Fine Arts, majoring in Sculpture, I began work at a Camphill Village - Lake farm - where I taught Art and Craft to the Villagers - Port Elizabeth. At this time my first son was born. Here I met Eurythmy and began my training in Eurythmy with Ilse von Baravalle Kimball in 1974. - Cape Town. After 6 children and many years in Waldorf education, Extra Lesson work, a school of Art and Craft and Collot d'Herbois colour therapy training, I finally completed my Eurythmy training and became a Eurythmy Therapist at the turn of the century.

The Southern Cross Eurythmy Therapy Training brought the IPMT to South Africa and out of this IPMT, the Human Development and Social Competence, ALL AFRICA ANTHROPOSOPHIC TRAINING came to birth.  


Therapeutic Eurythmy Workshop:

My Workshop will be introducing Eurythmy Therapy to you, showing the gestures of consonants and vowels and their connection to the cosmos through the windows of the Zodiac and Planets. We will look at illnesses and see where and how the Eurythmy Therapy meets the ailments through movement in rhythm, gesture and breathing. We will look at Hygienic Eurythmy and see how the Eurythmy helps the soul and spirit and brings one to deeper understanding of self.

We will hopefully come to understand that Movement is the Mother of Joy.


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“ A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of ”
Nelson Mandela